We believe in creating sensible, yet simple solutions. We believe in concept of better, faster and cheaper methods of doing construction. Not only do we believe but we deliver with precise workmanship and to the Client satisfaction. We also possess a relentless passion for Construction.
Create Concrete Model
Create Concrete components include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls
Create BAR BENDING SCHEDULE / REBAR SCHEDULE include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls
Create Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase
Generate RFIs
Prepare Structural framing drawings include but not limited to excavation, footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls
Prepare Structural Section and Elevation drawings include but not limited to excavation, footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls
Prepare of Civil Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets for concrete, shuttering, reinforcement include but not limited to footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Architectural Model
Create Architectural components include but not limited to walls, flooring, skirting, dadoing, doors, windows, staircase finishes, false ceiling, millworks.
Generate RFIs
Prepare Architectural plans include but not limited to walls marking, flooring, skirting, dadoing, doors, windows, staircase, false ceiling, millworks.
Prepare Architectural Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to walls marking, flooring, skirting, dadoing, doors, windows, staircase, false ceiling, millworks.
Preparation of Interior Furniture Layout plans include but not limited to Fixed Furniture like Modular furniture, Wardrobes and Movable Furniture like tables, chairs.
Preparation of Interior Furniture Layout Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Fixed Furniture like Modular furniture, Wardrobes and Movable Furniture like tables, chairs.
Prepare of Architecture Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to walls, plaster, flooring, dadoing, skirting, painting, false ceiling,
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Plumbing Model
Create Sewage and Drainage system include but not limited to plumbing Fixtures, Piping, Gully Traps, Floor drains, Sewage tanks, Sumps & Pumps
Create Water supply system include but not limited to, Tanks, Sumps, Wash Basins, Sinks, Valves, sanitary fixtures and accessories
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Plumbing Layouts include but not limited to Sewage, Drainage, Water supply
Prepare Plumbing Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Sewage, Drainage, Water supply
Prepare of Plumbing Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to plumbing Fixtures, Piping, Gully Traps, Floor drains, Sewage tanks, Sumps & Pumps, Wash Basins, Sinks, Valves, sanitary fixtures and accessories.
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create HVAC Model
Create Supply and Return Duct system include but not limited to Ducts dampers, mechanical equipment's /FCU/AHU, mechanical piping, Air terminals Pumps
Create Chilled Water supply and Return system include but not limited to Valves, stainers and accessories.
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Ducting and Piping layouts
Prepare Ducting and Piping Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details
Prepare of HVAC Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to HVAC Ducts dampers, mechanical equipment's /FCU/AHU, mechanical piping, Air terminals Pumps, Valves, stainers and accessories
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create Fire Fighting and Fire Alarm Model
Create Fire Detection and Fire Protection system include but not limited to sprinklers, fire alarm, smoke detectors, extinguishers, hose box
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Fire Detection and Fire Fighting Layouts include but not limited to Fire Alarm, Sounders, Hooters, Sprinklers
Prepare Fire Detection and Fire Fighting Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Fire Alarm, Sounders, Hooters, Sprinklers
Prepare of Fire Detection & Fire Fighting Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Piping, Fixtures, Sprinklers, Valves, wires, conduits and accessories.
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create Electrical Model
Create Electrical Power system include but not limited to Conduits, Wires Sockets, Switches, Distribution Boxes, MCB, MCCB.
Create Electrical Lighting system include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Switches, Distribution Boxes, MCB, MCCB.
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Electrical Power and Electrical Lighting Layouts include but not limited to Switches, Sockets, Equipments, Conduits, Wires
Prepare Electrical Power and Electrical Lighting Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Switches, Sockets, Equipments, Conduits, Wires
Preparation of Bus Bar Trunking Layout Plan, Elevations and Enlarged Details
Preparation of Electrical Cable Tray, Race Way Layout Plan, Elevation and Enlarged Details
Preparation of Electrical Earthing Layout Plan, Elevation and Enlarged Details
Preparation of DG and Transformer Layout Plan, Elevation and Enlarged Details
Preparation of Electrical Low Voltage and High Voltage Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Conduits, Switches, Sockets, Electrical Fixtures, Cable Trays, Race Ways, Bus Bars, and accessories.
Generation of CABLE and WIRE SCHEDULE
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create TV, Telephone and Networking Model
Create AV and IT System include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Speakers, Monitors, EPBAX, Phones
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare TV, Telephone and Network Layouts include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Speakers, Monitors, EPBAX, Phones
Prepare TV, Telephone and Network Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Speakers, Monitors, EPBAX, Phones
Preparation of Race Way Layout Plan, Elevations and Enlarged Details
Prepare of AV and IT Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Conduits, Switches, Sockets, TV Fixtures, Race Ways, HUB, Modem and accessories.
Generation of CABLE and WIRE Schedule
Generation of Conduit Schedule
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create CCTV Model
Create Security System include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR,Video Door Phones, PTZ
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare CCTV Layouts include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR, Video Door Phones, PTZ
Prepare CCTV Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR, Video Door Phones, PTZ
Prepare of CCTV Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR, Video Door Phones, PTZ and accessories.
Generation of CABLE and WIRE Schedule
Generation of Conduit Schedule
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create Kitchen Equipment Model
Create Concrete components include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls
Create Heavy and Light Equipment components include but not limited to Cooking Equipment such as Range Tops, Ovens, Grills,Steam Cookers, Processing Kitchen Equipment such as Mixers, Food Cutters, Slicers, Holding and Storage Equipment such as Cold Food Storage, Pots, Pans, Containers
Generate RFIs
Preparation of Interior Layout include but not limited to Cooking Equipment such as Range Tops, Ovens, Grills,Steam Cookers, Processing Kitchen Equipment such as Mixers, Food Cutters, Slicers, Holding and Storage Equipment such as Cold Food Storage, Pots, Pans, Containers
Preparation of Interior Elevation and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Cooking Equipment such as Range Tops, Ovens, Grills,Steam Cookers, Processing Kitchen Equipment such as Mixers, Food Cutters, Slicers, Holding and Storage Equipment such as Cold Food Storage, Pots, Pans, Containers
Prepare of Kitchen Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited Cooking Equipment, Processing Equipment, Storage Equipment
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Laundry Equipment Model
Create Heavy and Light Equipment components include but not limited to Washing Equipment, Ironing Equipment
Generate RFIs
Preparation of Interior Layout include but not limited to Washing and Ironing Equipment
Preparation of Interior Elevation and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Washing and Ironing Equipment
Prepare of Laundry Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited Washing Equipment, Ironing Equipment
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Curtain Wall Model
Create Curtain Wall system components include but not limited to Mullions, Transom, Spider Clamp, Double Glazed Units, Glazed Units, Punched Windows, Aluco Bond Panels, Sealent, Gasket.
Generate RFIs
Preparing Glazing plans include but not limited to Mullions, Spider Clamps
Preparing Curtain Wall Glazing Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Mullions, Transom, Spider Clamps, Double Glazed Units, Punched Windows, Aluco Bond Panels, Sealent, Gasket.
Preparation of Curtain Wall Glazing Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Mullions, Transom, Spider Clamps, Double Glazed Units, Punched Windows, Aluco Bond Panels, Sealent, Gasket.
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create External Site Model with Roads
Create Architectural, Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC, Fire Fighting components include but not limited to Transformer Yard, External Drainage Chambers, External Water Supply Pipeing, External Fire Fighting Hydrants, Mechanical Pumps, Fire Pumps, Water Booster Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, STP, WTP, Lift Machine Room
Generate RFIs
Prepare External Layout plans include but not limited to Transformer Yard, External Drainage Chambers, External Water Supply Pipeing, External Fire Fighting Hydrants, Mechanical Pumps, Fire Pumps, Water Booster Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, STP, WTP, Lift Machine Room
Prepare External Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Transformer Yard, External Drainage Chambers, External Water Supply Pipeing, External Fire Fighting Hydrants, Mechanical Pumps, Fire Pumps, Water Booster Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, STP, WTP, Lift Machine Room
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Pumps, Chambers, Hydrants,
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Landscape Model
Create Landscape System components include but not limited to Softscape elements like topography, trees, plants, Planter Beds, surface material, water elements, Trash Cans and Hardscape elements like parking, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, children play area
Generate RFIs
Prepare Landscape Layout plans include but not limited to Softscape elements like topography, trees, plants, Planter Beds, surface material, water elements, Trash Cans and Hardscape elements like parking, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, children play area
Prepare Landscape Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Softscape elements like topography, trees, plants, Planter Beds, surface material, water elements, Trash Cans and Hardscape elements like parking, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, children play area
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Trees, Plants Surface Material,
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Shuttering Model suitable to Place Reinforcement
Create BBS/ Rebar Schedule for components include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls, lintel, cills
Create Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase
Generate RFIs
Prepare BBS Plans and Sectional drawings include but not limited to footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls, lintel, cills
Extraction of BBS Measurement sheets with cutting lengths along with weight in excel format for reinforcement include but not limited to footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls. Lintel,cills
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Wiring system include but not limited to Low Voltage, Earthing, BBT, CCTV, BMS, AV & IT, TV, Telephone.
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to WIRES, BUS BARS, CABLES, CAT 6 CABLES,
Generate RFIs
Generation of Bill of Quantities include but not limited to Wires, Conduits, BBT, Earthing Strips in Excel format
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Project Directory
Communication Plan
Design Review Meetings
Progressive Review Meetings
Project Cash Flow
Site Logistic Plan
Master Construction Schedule
Standard Drawing List
Shop Drawing List
Daily Progress Report
Daily Labor Report
PEP talks
Request For Information
Request For Information Tracker
Corrective Active Report
Work Order
Work Order Tracker
Purchase Orde
Purchase Order Tracker
Comparative Statement of Quotations (csq)
Master BOQ & Budget
Running Account Bills
Contractor Bill Certification
Stock Register
Site Accounts Tracking / statement report
Material Reconcialiation
Sequencing Schedules of Activities
Order Control Sheet
Work Method Statements
Material Test Reports
Equipment Caliberation Certificates
Weekly Progress Report
Monthly Progress Report
Create Concrete Model
Create Concrete components include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls
Create BAR BENDING SCHEDULE / REBAR SCHEDULE include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls
Create Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase
Generate RFIs
Prepare Structural framing drawings include but not limited to excavation, footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls
Prepare Structural Section and Elevation drawings include but not limited to excavation, footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls
Prepare of Civil Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets for concrete, shuttering, reinforcement include but not limited to footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Architectural Model
Create Architectural components include but not limited to walls, flooring, skirting, dadoing, doors, windows, staircase finishes, false ceiling, millworks.
Generate RFIs
Prepare Architectural plans include but not limited to walls marking, flooring, skirting, dadoing, doors, windows, staircase, false ceiling, millworks.
Prepare Architectural Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to walls marking, flooring, skirting, dadoing, doors, windows, staircase, false ceiling, millworks.
Preparation of Interior Furniture Layout plans include but not limited to Fixed Furniture like Modular furniture, Wardrobes and Movable Furniture like tables, chairs.
Preparation of Interior Furniture Layout Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Fixed Furniture like Modular furniture, Wardrobes and Movable Furniture like tables, chairs.
Prepare of Architecture Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to walls, plaster, flooring, dadoing, skirting, painting, false ceiling,
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Plumbing Model
Create Sewage and Drainage system include but not limited to plumbing Fixtures, Piping, Gully Traps, Floor drains, Sewage tanks, Sumps & Pumps
Create Water supply system include but not limited to, Tanks, Sumps, Wash Basins, Sinks, Valves, sanitary fixtures and accessories
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Plumbing Layouts include but not limited to Sewage, Drainage, Water supply
Prepare Plumbing Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Sewage, Drainage, Water supply
Prepare of Plumbing Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to plumbing Fixtures, Piping, Gully Traps, Floor drains, Sewage tanks, Sumps & Pumps, Wash Basins, Sinks, Valves, sanitary fixtures and accessories.
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create HVAC Model
Create Supply and Return Duct system include but not limited to Ducts dampers, mechanical equipment's /FCU/AHU, mechanical piping, Air terminals Pumps
Create Chilled Water supply and Return system include but not limited to Valves, stainers and accessories.
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Ducting and Piping layouts
Prepare Ducting and Piping Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details
Prepare of HVAC Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to HVAC Ducts dampers, mechanical equipment's /FCU/AHU, mechanical piping, Air terminals Pumps, Valves, stainers and accessories
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create Fire Fighting and Fire Alarm Model
Create Fire Detection and Fire Protection system include but not limited to sprinklers, fire alarm, smoke detectors, extinguishers, hose box
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Fire Detection and Fire Fighting Layouts include but not limited to Fire Alarm, Sounders, Hooters, Sprinklers
Prepare Fire Detection and Fire Fighting Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Fire Alarm, Sounders, Hooters, Sprinklers
Prepare of Fire Detection & Fire Fighting Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Piping, Fixtures, Sprinklers, Valves, wires, conduits and accessories.
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create Electrical Model
Create Electrical Power system include but not limited to Conduits, Wires Sockets, Switches, Distribution Boxes, MCB, MCCB.
Create Electrical Lighting system include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Switches, Distribution Boxes, MCB, MCCB.
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare Electrical Power and Electrical Lighting Layouts include but not limited to Switches, Sockets, Equipments, Conduits, Wires
Prepare Electrical Power and Electrical Lighting Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Switches, Sockets, Equipments, Conduits, Wires
Preparation of Bus Bar Trunking Layout Plan, Elevations and Enlarged Details
Preparation of Electrical Cable Tray, Race Way Layout Plan, Elevation and Enlarged Details
Preparation of Electrical Earthing Layout Plan, Elevation and Enlarged Details
Preparation of DG and Transformer Layout Plan, Elevation and Enlarged Details
Preparation of Electrical Low Voltage and High Voltage Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Conduits, Switches, Sockets, Electrical Fixtures, Cable Trays, Race Ways, Bus Bars, and accessories.
Generation of CABLE and WIRE SCHEDULE
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create TV, Telephone and Networking Model
Create AV and IT System include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Speakers, Monitors, EPBAX, Phones
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare TV, Telephone and Network Layouts include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Speakers, Monitors, EPBAX, Phones
Prepare TV, Telephone and Network Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Speakers, Monitors, EPBAX, Phones
Preparation of Race Way Layout Plan, Elevations and Enlarged Details
Prepare of AV and IT Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Conduits, Switches, Sockets, TV Fixtures, Race Ways, HUB, Modem and accessories.
Generation of CABLE and WIRE Schedule
Generation of Conduit Schedule
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create CCTV Model
Create Security System include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR,Video Door Phones, PTZ
Coordination with all services within shafts to eliminate clashes
Coordination of all services on Terrace and above Terrace to eliminate clashes
Generate RFIs
Prepare CCTV Layouts include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR, Video Door Phones, PTZ
Prepare CCTV Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR, Video Door Phones, PTZ
Prepare of CCTV Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Conduits, Wires, Sockets, Switches, Junction Boxes, HUB, Monitors, DVR, Video Door Phones, PTZ and accessories.
Generation of CABLE and WIRE Schedule
Generation of Conduit Schedule
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Create Kitchen Equipment Model
Create Concrete components include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls
Create Heavy and Light Equipment components include but not limited to Cooking Equipment such as Range Tops, Ovens, Grills,Steam Cookers, Processing Kitchen Equipment such as Mixers, Food Cutters, Slicers, Holding and Storage Equipment such as Cold Food Storage, Pots, Pans, Containers
Generate RFIs
Preparation of Interior Layout include but not limited to Cooking Equipment such as Range Tops, Ovens, Grills,Steam Cookers, Processing Kitchen Equipment such as Mixers, Food Cutters, Slicers, Holding and Storage Equipment such as Cold Food Storage, Pots, Pans, Containers
Preparation of Interior Elevation and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Cooking Equipment such as Range Tops, Ovens, Grills,Steam Cookers, Processing Kitchen Equipment such as Mixers, Food Cutters, Slicers, Holding and Storage Equipment such as Cold Food Storage, Pots, Pans, Containers
Prepare of Kitchen Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited Cooking Equipment, Processing Equipment, Storage Equipment
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Laundry Equipment Model
Create Heavy and Light Equipment components include but not limited to Washing Equipment, Ironing Equipment
Generate RFIs
Preparation of Interior Layout include but not limited to Washing and Ironing Equipment
Preparation of Interior Elevation and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Washing and Ironing Equipment
Prepare of Laundry Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited Washing Equipment, Ironing Equipment
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Curtain Wall Model
Create Curtain Wall system components include but not limited to Mullions, Transom, Spider Clamp, Double Glazed Units, Glazed Units, Punched Windows, Aluco Bond Panels, Sealent, Gasket.
Generate RFIs
Preparing Glazing plans include but not limited to Mullions, Spider Clamps
Preparing Curtain Wall Glazing Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Mullions, Transom, Spider Clamps, Double Glazed Units, Punched Windows, Aluco Bond Panels, Sealent, Gasket.
Preparation of Curtain Wall Glazing Tender Document
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Mullions, Transom, Spider Clamps, Double Glazed Units, Punched Windows, Aluco Bond Panels, Sealent, Gasket.
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create External Site Model with Roads
Create Architectural, Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC, Fire Fighting components include but not limited to Transformer Yard, External Drainage Chambers, External Water Supply Pipeing, External Fire Fighting Hydrants, Mechanical Pumps, Fire Pumps, Water Booster Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, STP, WTP, Lift Machine Room
Generate RFIs
Prepare External Layout plans include but not limited to Transformer Yard, External Drainage Chambers, External Water Supply Pipeing, External Fire Fighting Hydrants, Mechanical Pumps, Fire Pumps, Water Booster Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, STP, WTP, Lift Machine Room
Prepare External Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Transformer Yard, External Drainage Chambers, External Water Supply Pipeing, External Fire Fighting Hydrants, Mechanical Pumps, Fire Pumps, Water Booster Pumps, Chillers, Cooling Towers, STP, WTP, Lift Machine Room
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Pumps, Chambers, Hydrants,
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Landscape Model
Create Landscape System components include but not limited to Softscape elements like topography, trees, plants, Planter Beds, surface material, water elements, Trash Cans and Hardscape elements like parking, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, children play area
Generate RFIs
Prepare Landscape Layout plans include but not limited to Softscape elements like topography, trees, plants, Planter Beds, surface material, water elements, Trash Cans and Hardscape elements like parking, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, children play area
Prepare Landscape Sections, Elevations and Enlarged Details include but not limited to Softscape elements like topography, trees, plants, Planter Beds, surface material, water elements, Trash Cans and Hardscape elements like parking, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, children play area
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to Trees, Plants Surface Material,
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Shuttering Model suitable to Place Reinforcement
Create BBS/ Rebar Schedule for components include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase, liftwalls, lintel, cills
Create Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings include but not limited to footings, columns, beams, slabs, staircase
Generate RFIs
Prepare BBS Plans and Sectional drawings include but not limited to footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls, lintel, cills
Extraction of BBS Measurement sheets with cutting lengths along with weight in excel format for reinforcement include but not limited to footing, column, beam, slab, staircase, liftwalls. Lintel,cills
Generation of Bill of Quantities
Preparation of As Build Drawings
Create Wiring system include but not limited to Low Voltage, Earthing, BBT, CCTV, BMS, AV & IT, TV, Telephone.
Extraction of Measurement sheets include but not limited to WIRES, BUS BARS, CABLES, CAT 6 CABLES,
Generate RFIs
Generation of Bill of Quantities include but not limited to Wires, Conduits, BBT, Earthing Strips in Excel format
Preparation of Coordinated As Build Drawings
Project Directory
Communication Plan
Design Review Meetings
Progressive Review Meetings
Project Cash Flow
Site Logistic Plan
Master Construction Schedule
Standard Drawing List
Shop Drawing List
Daily Progress Report
Daily Labor Report
PEP talks
Request For Information
Request For Information Tracker
Corrective Active Report
Work Order
Work Order Tracker
Purchase Orde
Purchase Order Tracker
Comparative Statement of Quotations (csq)
Master BOQ & Budget
Running Account Bills
Contractor Bill Certification
Stock Register
Site Accounts Tracking / statement report
Material Reconcialiation
Sequencing Schedules of Activities
Order Control Sheet
Work Method Statements
Material Test Reports
Equipment Caliberation Certificates
Weekly Progress Report
Monthly Progress Report